Monday, January 6, 2014

Fun Fact: 1 of America's 220 Biodigesters Is Fueled By 1,000 Pound PA Farm Show Butter Sculpture

Renewable energy has many strengths because it is diverse and flexible, with zero or low-cost fuel. Another strength is renewable energy can be built at homes, businesses, and farms.

Distributed generation is proliferating across America and uses a variety of technologies from solar to biodigesters on farms. As of 2013, 220 biodigesters were operating on farms across America. In 2012, they generated 625 million kilowatt-hours, enough power for 62,500 homes.

Biodigesters need fuel. In Pennsylvania, that fuel includes a sculpture made from 1,000 pounds of butter that is a feature of the annual Farm Show.  Once the show ends, the sculpture is taken to a Pennsylvania farm with a biodigester, where the butter provides 3 days of energy for the farm.

Another example of booming renewable energy is biodigesters proliferating at a rapid rate, increasing more than 20% since 2011, when 180 were operating.

Going forward, a great opportunity to improve farming and our environment is to accelerate the deployment of biodigesters.

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